PlayStation Home, Sweet Home - Virtual Dissociative Identity Disorder

As Home hits shelves, employees hit home.
With a weird sense of timing, Sony launch PlayStation Home, a free 3D social networking service, a few days after inviting 16,000 of their staff to rediscover their own HomeSpace - provided they're lucky enough to avoid foreclosure (bonus: a fourth dimension included - time)...
Air France - KLM's Bluenity is taking off the same week. Yet another 2D, 2.0 social networking scheme. But there, you can pal around the terrorist who'll take the same plane as you, and even learn from him about the charms of Afghan mountains.
I suggest a new social networking concept : with VdId (Virtual Dissociative Identity Disorder), I will make all my online aliases meet each other. Who knows, they may find out some kind of common ground / common sense.

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