TRRAM : don't miss this one !

The KAIST1 just announced the creation of Transparent Resistive Random Access Memory (TRRAM)2.

Transparency means light somehow manages to pass, (s)which can be really interesting for open minds...

I'm not necessarily talking about the Geeks who'll love to expose the guts of their latest gizmos ("I'm not just purchasing a Rolex, look at this Swiss marvel of a mechanism !") : o
n one hand, transparent chips could pave the way for see-through devices, but on the other, TRAAM could turn transparent things into smarter devices...

You want to keep an eye on this one before it disappears.

1 - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , an almost frequent flyer on these lines.
2 - see Yonhap News ("
S. Korean scientists develop transparent memory chip" - 20081215)

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