Mevangelists, Chief Internet Evangelists and Intelligent Designers

After Chief Yahoo! (David Filo, Jerry Yang) and Chief Architect (Bill Gates, Karl Rove), enter Chief Internet Evangelist (Vint Cerf).
Google badly needed to surf the fundamentalists' wave. Their new Guru should hire top guns as deputies (I suggest a good televangelist and an ambitious m-evangelist), and quick please : believers as well as shareholders fear AOL could leave Google for the Church of MSN (by the way, the same AOL will let Total Talk, their young Canadian broadband preacher, cross the border with Mother Time Warner).
Hopefuly, Newborn Googlers can safely join the community now, thanks to "Google Secure Access". Note the reassuring rebranding of the formerly doomsday sounding feeva (see
saturday night feeva - gloocalization)... I guess Google also found the right man for the much wanted position of Chief Internet Architect (CIA).

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