Saturday night Feeva - gloocalization

More about Google's next steps : after Business 2.0, Business Online cites Big Goo's interest in Frisco's Feeva as the sign of a potential move towards network operating but I'm not so sure that's the point.
Feeva are not into WLAN rolling out. They consider themselves as "dedicated to (i) Personalizing the user’s Internet experience to deliver relevant, timely, localized and customized information
(ii) Accelerating the proliferation of personal broadband Internet access
(iii) Shifting the economic center of gravity by making the usage of networks underwrite the cost of using the networks
Google is into providing their clients with what they want, starting with relevant search results for consumers, relevant targets for advertisers and relevant ROI for shareholders.
They're traditionally weak in broadband demanding apps but all their recent moves are meant to change this.
With people like Feeva, they're learning about new dimensions in context marketing. Feeva and Google Earth are about localization and Google is simply going gloocal.

1 comment:

Stephane MOT said...

Interesting data from Hitwise : "GOOGLE'S DOMINATION OF INTERNET SEARCH GROWS, BUT YAHOO! DOMINATES LOCAL SEARCH". Yahoo! Local logically crushes Google Local, but Google Maps and Google Earth may change that.

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