Sekai, AirTag, AirFlag, AirBag and Social Net Walking

I just read an article by Joel de Rosnay about "clickable environments"*, which may introduce some confusion between Tonchidot's "air tagging" concept (the Sekai Camera / "world camera" application for iPhone, quite popular in Japan since last autumn, marketed as a "social tagging device") and the AIRTAG brand (a French NFC enabler targeting retailers and service companies).
Mentioning the risks of such intrusive technologies, Rosnay made a pun on "clickable" and "flicable" : in French, "flic" means "cop" and "fliquer" could be translated as "to control, watch and monitor the Big Brother way".

As a matter of fact, we are bound to see at least two killer apps beyond the usual location based cloud marketing fantasies :

- I want to remain as far as I can from this person / kind or people / person in this kind of mood / friend with "leave me alone" Facebook status... (variations : I'll never set foot in this restaurant again / don't even think about dropping your car at the following places / Celtic fans are not welcome in this Rangers joint...) : let's call that an "AirFlag".

- Leave me alone. When I'm roaming IRL, I don't feel like drowning in a syrupy cloud. I am not only opting out but building a protective sphere up around myself : that should be your "AirBag".

Safer social netwalking ?

* "
L’environnement cliquable : une virtualité bien réelle"

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