rohinni printable light

ICYMI*: rohinni's printable light will be on the market next year. 

rohinni are based in Coeur d'Alene, ID, and does Idaho deserve these two letters today!

A thin layer of their ink-LED mix can be spread on conductive surfaces, and potentially "lightify" anything. They call it "Lightpaper", but some of its applications can be "paper light".

As rohinni puts it, 'imagine the possibilities'...

To my makers and artists friends: be patient! According to FastCo, the mid-2015 TTM only means when products using the technology will be out there.

Actually, the BtoB / OEM approach shows on their website: a Sony smartphone, an Audi, a wallpaper-lamp, a wristband...

Imagine further: Lightpaper on Side A, solar cells on Side B, a switch, and you get the perfect garden canopy, or the ultimate Moser-lamp-killer app.

mot-bile 2014

* see "Rohinni's Lightpaper Is Incredibly Thin, And Printable" on FastCoLabs

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