3DTV, 2D screens, 1Dollar from the referee

Imagine the referee, in the middle of the game, paying from his own wallet new recruits to improve the quality of play.

In Korea, convergence is also about blending roles : mobile operators can become banks, and regulators invest directly in new technologies. Well, isn't it about regulating the pace of innovation ?

In that field, Korea Inc. usually needs to be cooled down but when it comes to 3DTV, the country's lagging behind Japan, even if LG released a product last summer.

So the KCC will invest KRW 2 bn (1,000 Korean wons = about USD .85 these days) to facilitate the first 3DTV commercial tests in the country in 2010. Too late for the World Cup ? Officials are rather mentioning the 2011 IAAF World Championships in Athletics, to be held home in Daegu (good PR), and the 2012 London Olympics. The actual target for worldwide recognition and mass market HDTV.

mot-bile 2009

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