CREDO mobile vs Karl Rove

"Did your mobile phone support Karl Rove... or does it fight to put him behind bars, where he belongs?"

CREDO mobile's sales pitch in the "Handcuffs for Karl Rove, a Handset for You" e-mail I received this morning, courtesy democrats.com (as a matter of fact and as my blogules readers already noticed, I'm not exactly Karl Rove's #1 fan).

CREDO mobile is a MVNO on Sprint's network. It joined last year CREDO Long Distance and other services (credit cards) in an effort that - according to owner Working Assets - has raised $60M since 1985 for noble causes.

1% of all charges will go to Planned Parenthood, Rainforest Action Network, Human Rights Watch, the ACLU, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Fair Vote, the Organic Farming Research Foundation, Wellstone Action!, Iraq War Wrong Way, Doctors Without Borders, Global Fund for Women, and McCain - Rice 2008 (well... I wouldn't bet a buck on
that last one since allocations are made according to member polls).

"Join our existing members in sending over 80,000 letters and calls to Congress, the White House and corporate leaders each month", they say. Fine, but is there any other way of getting a rebate than including Dubya and Republican Representatives in my "Friends & Family" list ?

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