Cool summer

One year after launching a disposable 2G prototype, Apple decided to actually deliver a decent iPhone. If you're into mobility you'll notice the HSPA and GPS tags, if you're into music you'll chose between a 8GB and a 16GB version ($199 or $299). Steve said there were cool SDK gizmos on board as well.

Orange UK's Tom Alexander is talking about marketing issues. The guy came from Virgin and his predecessor Bernard Ghillebaert from Mobistar. Mr Ghillebaert will be learning about Customer Experience at the Group level. Orange customers may be learning about the brand's fabled cool factor - 90s stuff the younger generation could dig.

And the mother of all mergers may eventually reshuffle the cards on the US market : this summer's DNC Convention in Denver could turn out to be friendlier than expected for Barack Obama. So despite Colorado's scorching heats, no sweat there either.

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