Free broadband for broadwallets

Back to the future : remember the panic seizing operators when the "free internet" tidal wave landed on their shores ? We're back at it and with a larger magnitude.
But this time is different. Operators surf the wave and just unleash a small part of the potential of truly convergent offers.
After Carphone Warehouse and BT, Orange UK announced a free broadband bundle. Actually, you have to subscribe to Orange the mobile service to get Orange the fixed broadband service for free. In other words, Wanadoo is dumped a second time within a few weeks.
So even these days, there's no such thing as a free service. For instance, "Free" requires paying £20.99 per month at CWH.
Vodafone are expected to announce something beyond their getting rid of Arcor or a few of their top execs getting rid of their positions.

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