The Special G Diet Plan

Mercury News reported that Google paused the roll out of its Google Fiber network across the Silicon Valley, and considered wireless (mmWave) instead of fixed (FTTP) for building connections. Big G purchased last June* Webpass, an ISP operating in 5 markets including the Bay area, and proposing both fiber and point-to-point wireless broadband solutions.

Google can use unlicensed spectrum and get a significant base to test broadband services, particularly for companies. These small, captive cells could become interesting entry points for 5G, without waiting for WAN technos to emerge. 

Will Google Fiber have to rebrand itself? Well you always need some for the backbone. And since Alphabet is also into medical fields, they already know that one fibers can't be digested, and two fibers can facilitate digestion.

Webpass won't be the last one to be wolfed down.

mot-bile 2016

* " Google Fiber agrees to acquire Webpass" (Webpass - June 22nd, 2016)

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