F-VNO : dead on AIRAVE all ?

A $49.99 Samsung CDMA femtocell with a $30 / month service for a household ($15 for individuals) including unlimited VoIP for all calls generated within the gizmo's reach (supposedly 5,000 square feet). In Denver and Indy right now and nationwide by the end of Dubya's second term, that's Sprint AIRAVE.

All Sprint customers can use your AIRAVE (3 at a time) but need to subscribe to the service to enjoy unlimited calls.
And oh. YOU provide the broadband access by cable or DSL.
The F-VNO (Femtocell VNO) is born.


OVI - a door facing Windows

Another sign of global warming ? Penguins are spreading over new territories, and Linux becomes a major threat for Windows Mobile, already struggling against the leading OS Symbian.

And leading handset manufacturer Nokia recently created MOSH (MObilize and SHare), "a content sharing site where community members upload, distribute and manage content to be viewed and enjoyed on mobile devices".

In real life, Mosh happens to be "a type of dance characterized by audience members aggressively pushing or slamming into each other". The word also sounds like the French slang for "ugly".

All this could perfectly define the mobile arena right now.

Cornier than ever after the successful launch of iPhone in the US, Nokia delivers a new concept called OVI, supposed to give another chance to such failures as N-Gage and leverage from such charming initiatives as MOSH. No synergies with Twango yet, officially.

OVI means "eggs" in Latin but also "door" in Finnish. So NokNok's answer to Windows Mobile is the killer combo of a fragile door (OVI) and an ugly portal (MOSH).

I can wait to try it.

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